Header: Reuters Olympics Video Feed

Saturday, 5 July 2008

I loving it McDonalds PRC Ad for Beijing 2008

During the Olympic Sports Games times, the most exciting people are the people of the ISP country and athletes. I skyped my Grandpa and Auntie in Beijing and they are well! I just realized to be in China now is much more fervent and celebratory than in UK. The mood in China is excited, proud, and forward looking. I told them I miss China and want to be there, albeit my fake uncle for visa purposes is fairly nice to me, despite being of Shanghainese.

My family say they can not read my English reporting and do not understand many of my cliptations. Alas, I can not shoot gun to kill two bears. Firstly, I am writing for English people to provide eagle eyesight to Chinese topics and provide cross-cultural solution: China. Secondly, almost all my peers read Chinese news but they don't know English news well or is sensored by government to see all, so it is up to me to connectivity them to English news and provide them direct video cliptations alias from government. Thirdly, I considering to make a iTunes podcast to side order this blog coverage main dish.

I usually do not read letter news because I read slowly however I do not know why English people complain about Chinese food dish names such as chicken without sexual life. You should just accept it as tradition and learn it. Just like we accept Big Mac. Who's Big Mac? We don't know the story of Big Mac is. You should name it flat beef sausage bread cheese. That just make my mouth hungry. But no. Now you come to China and make us change stinky dofu to grey Tofu and leather skin egg to century egg? It is not nice.

Now enjoy some my favorite McDonald video cliptations I don't see in UK but you lucky can see.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

does anybody know who sang the song "the more we get together" as used in the mcdonalds ad?